The Brief:

  • Create a powerful statement film to promote the new History and Politics course at City St George’s.
  • Break down the course offering in a modern, engaging, and accessible way.
  • Highlight London as the ultimate place to study this course, immersing students in the heart of political and historical change.
  • Emphasise that this course isn’t just about the past—it’s about shaping the present and influencing the future.

The Outcome:

  • A compelling and emotive film, driven by a spoken word poet who takes the audience on a thought-provoking journey.
  • Showcases the relevance of history and politics today, illustrating how students can make an impact.
  • Shot across multiple London locations to immerse viewers in the world they’ll be stepping into.
  • Captures the drama and significance of the subject—”History. Chaos. Power. Politics.”

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