The film made use of some discreet animation reflecting the fun and playful side of the Innocent brand. The film is used for recruitment purposes by the University on their student facing website and key events such as undergraduate Open Days.
The University of Bath approached Dynomite to create a series of films that featured their students industry placements year as part of the School of Management courses. This film meets BSc Management student Venessa during her placement working at the London Headquarters of Innocent Drinks, manufacturer of fruit juices and smoothies. The film would be based on an interview with the student sharing their experience of the placement, what they’ve gained during their time there.
When we visited the Innocent office space, we wanted to reflect the open, stylish and relaxed working environment in the film. The film centres on just the one interviewee, with the student Venessa being the focus. We also went into the shoot with the intention of using discreet graphical animated elements, displaying a simple line style so that from a brand perspective the film had a joined up feeling between innocent and the university. This worked to reflect the fun and playful side of the Innocent brand. The questions we asked led the interviewee to speak about the time they have spent within the company, how they have benefited from it and how it will influence their decisions in looking for employment going forwards.
This film was created as part of the recruitment cycle to appeal to potential students starting their search for courses at University. It was also used as a conversion tool, detailing information about the student experience and the opportunities that the course offered, to encourage prospective students to consider Bath as their firm choice. The film also needed to appeal to parents of prospective students and showcase the potential of future career paths.
The School of Management have released the film along with a series of other films featuring students on placement, showcasing the vast number of opportunities available, from placements, projects and group study events. The video is used on the student facing website and at key events such as undergraduate Open Days. The films have been integral to the recruitment marketing of the courses and have helped to increase interest in the School of Management through applications and website traffic.